Survive Storm Phases While Carrying An Exotic Weapon: The first season of Fortnite Chapter 4 is about to end, but prior to it does. The Most Wanted event has begun, providing a lot of free cosmetic goodies. The sixth group of quests. Called Clean Getaway, are divided into pieces that gradually unlock over time.
For the Most Wanted event in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. This article serves as an exhaustive analysis of the Clean Getaway tasks.
To achieve this mission, you must ride a dirt bike and inflict 200 damage on adversaries. Faulty Splits, Frenzy Fields, Anvil Square, and Shattered Slabs are the greatest POIs for finding dirt bikeS. Though they can be found pretty much anywhere on the island.
To finish this mission. Do the same as you did for the last one: deal 200 damage to enemies while sliding. The crouch button should be pressed while running to slide. In the frozen lake southwest of the Brutal Bastion POI. Where sliding would last significantly longer than it would elsewhere, is a nice place to accomplish this quickly.
To finish this quest, you must accumulate 30 seconds of air time while riding a dirt bike. You can achieve this by continually using the motorcycle’s jump function or ramping off of cliffs. If you find a bike early enough, this will organically happen over the course of a few matches or even one.
Survive Storm Phases While Carrying An Exotic Weapon:
When Slap is in effect, you must mantle a total of ten things. The orange liquid known as “Slap” allows you temporary unlimited sprinting and boosts your shields. You can get this effect by drinking Slap Juice from bottles you find around the island, or destroying Slap Barrels you locate in/around a number of trucks and/or structures on the island. Or any of a number of other ways.
Demolishing Slap Barrels, which you can locate in/around a variety of trucks and/or structures on the island, or from Slap Berries, which grow on bushes strewn over the grassy regions of the map. To do this quest relatively quickly, you can farm the same spot or object while mantling around.
You must enter one of the Cold-Blooded Vaults shown on the map in order to finish this task. Our Cracking the Vault Quests page outlines how to do this. After that. Locate the terminal in the little Vault chamber and choose “Activate Rift,” which will cost you 350 Gold.
Survive Storm Phases While Carrying An Exotic:
Unlike to past weeks’ quests. You don’t have to be the one to open the vault to complete this one, which is a helpful hint. Therefore. If you’d want, you can wait near a POI with a Vault, watch as other players and AI engage in combat. And then sneak in later for the sole purpose of utilizing the terminal.
Survive Storm Phases:
Simply hop in a car and accelerate to 70 mph to complete this self-explanatory quest. All of the island’s vehicles, including bikes, can be used for this. Simply get behind the wheel and increase your speed as quickly as you can while maintaining a straight course.
You must enter three different cars during one match in order to fulfill this goal. Whilst any gas station on the island is guaranteed to have many cars parked up, this can be challenging if you pick the incorrect POI to drop to.
To finish this quest, you’ll need to make it through a total of 5 storm phases while using an exotic weapon. You don’t have to finish this in one match because it’s cumulative. Dropping at a POI marked on the map with a golden name is a certain way to find an exotic weapon with the least amount of effort.