Panda Habitat Corridors: Connecting Bamboo Forests

Panda Habitat Corridors

The giant panda’s home is shrinking due to humans and development. Now, they live in about 20 small bamboo forests in China’s Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. Most pandas are in the Minshan and Qinling mountains. The Chinese government and WWF are working together to save these habitats. They aim to connect these forests, so … Read more

What Are The Biggest Challenges To Maintaining The Panda Population Recovery?

Panda Population Recovery

China has made great strides in protecting giant pandas, with 67 panda reserves now in place. These reserves protect almost two-thirds of the wild pandas and half of their habitat. Yet, habitat loss and fragmentation pose the biggest threats to their survival. A significant portion of the panda’s habitat has been lost. It was cleared … Read more