Panda Eating Habits: How They Consume Bamboo

Panda Eating Habits

Pandas are known for their black and white fur and love for bamboo. They are mostly herbivorous, eating bamboo for energy and nutrients. This article looks into panda eating habits, their diet, and how we help save their homes. It also talks about how panda conservation links to Reel Paper’s eco-friendly bamboo-based products. Key Takeaways … Read more

Red Panda Food: What Keeps Them Healthy

Red panda food

Red Panda Food: The red panda, also known as the Ailurus fulgens, is an endangered species. It is legally protected in several countries across Asia. The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance says the red panda population has dropped by 40% in the last 20 years. This decline is expected to continue. Habitat loss and degradation, … Read more

The Impact Of Habitat On The Giant Panda Diet

Giant Panda Diet

The giant panda, known as Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is a beloved species Giant panda diet  from central China’s bamboo forests. They are a national treasure in China and loved worldwide. Their black and white fur helps them blend in, especially in winter and summer. Bamboo is the main part of a panda’s diet, with up to … Read more

Top Bamboo Species For Pandas

Bamboo species for pandas

Bamboo and the giant panda bear are symbols of the Orient. Pandas mostly eat bamboo, with 30-40 species making up 99% of their diet. They live in elevations of 1,500-3,000 meters, where they find Fargesia bamboo species like F. robusta and F. dracocephala. Other bamboo species pandas like include Phyllostachys glauca and Yushania brevipaniculata. In … Read more